zur Staatsbibliothek
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Libraries, Archives, Museums and related Organisations

Listed are all addresses of organizations with an ISIL or Sigel.

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1 Search results - hit 1 of 1

Universitätsbibliothek Greifswald [DE-9] link-image

General information

Street address:
Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 10, 17489 Greifswald
Mo-Fr 8.00-23.00, Sa-So 9.00-23.00

Interlibrary loan info

Type of interlibrary loan:
ÜLV - accredited to German interlibrary loan
Accredited to German interlibrary online-loan
Interlibrary loan available?:
yes, photocopy and loan
Interlibrary loan transport:
cargo center DE-622
Altbestandszertifikat (certificate for valuable items):
Approved for Altbestandszertifikat (certificate for valuable items) (certificate for valuable items) for interlibrary loan

Other addresses and contacts

Postal address:
17487 Greifswald

Additional information

Standardised short name:
Greifswald UB
Type of institution:
Funding body:
Collection size:
1.000.001 und mehr
Collection emphasis:

Additional information for libraries

Library symbol:
ZDB library ID (BIK):
DBS ID (German library statistics):
Library ID for EZB:
deprecated library code(s):
9/1; 9/2; 9/3; 9/4; 9/5; 9/6; 9/7; 9/8; 9/9; 9/10; 9/11; 9/12; 9/13; 9/14; 9/18; 9/19; 9/22; 9/23; 9/24; 9/25; 9/26; 9/27; 9/30; 9/34; 9/42; 9/43; 9/45; 9/46; 9/47; 9/48; 9/50; 9/51; 9/53; 9/57; 9/58; 9/60; 9/63; 9/69; 9/71; 9/74; 9/75; 9/78; 9/81; 9/82; 9/98; 9/99; 9/100; 9/102; 9/103; 9/104; 9/105; 9/106; 9/107; Nbg 18
deprecated ISIL(s):
DE-9-10; DE-9-14; DE-9-23; DE-9-24; DE-9-25; DE-9-26; DE-9-34; DE-9-42; DE-9-46; DE-9-47; DE-9-50; DE-9-53; DE-9-57; DE-9-58; DE-9-71; DE-9-74; DE-9-75; DE-9-100; DE-9-103; DE-9-104; DE-9-106; DE-9-107
Specialised Information Services (FID) and Special Subject Collections (SSG):
  • SSG 7,44 / Baltische Länder (bis einschließlich 2014)

