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Libraries, Archives, Museums and related Organisations

Listed are all addresses of organizations with an ISIL or Sigel.

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1 Search results - hit 1 of 1

TU Berlin, Universitätsbibliothek [DE-83] link-image

General information

Street address:
Fasanenstr. 88, im VOLKSWAGEN-Haus, 10623 Berlin
s. Homepage

Interlibrary loan info

Type of interlibrary loan:
ÜLV - accredited to German interlibrary loan
Accredited to German interlibrary online-loan
Interlibrary loan available?:
yes, photocopy only
Interlibrary loan transport:
cargo center DE-622

Other addresses and contacts

Additional information

Other names:
Zentralbibliothek der Technischen Universität Berlin
ZB der TU Berlin
Standardised short name:
Berlin UBTU
Type of institution:
Funding body:
Körperschaft oder Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts
Collection size:
1.000.001 und mehr

Additional information for libraries

Library symbol:
ZDB library ID (BIK):
DBS ID (German library statistics):
Library ID for EZB:
EZB-ZDB Data Exchange:
service activated
deprecated library code(s):
83/140; 83/182; 83/447; 83/403; 83/503; 83/745; 83/1002; 83/1004; 83/1020; 83/1045; 83/1071; 83/1111; 83/1144; 83/1160; 83/1164; 83/1180; 83/1088; 83/1169; 83/1175; 83/1189; 83/1196; 83/1198; 83/1212; 83/1217; 83/1235; 83/1251; 83/1252; B 405; B 492; B 790; B 1012; B 1013; B 1020; B 1023; B 1026; B 1028; B 1033; B 1042; B 1072; B 1075; B 1077; B 1084; B 1088; B 1102; B 1105; B 1117; B 1119; B 1127; B 1129; B 1152; B 1153; B 1155; B 1170; B 1176; B 1181; B 1182; B 1184; B 1186; B 1087; B 1190; B 1194; B 1200; B 1202; B 1211; B 1220; B 1231
deprecated ISIL(s):
DE-83-1014; DE-83-1020; DE-83-1111; DE-83-1144; DE-83-1169; DE-83-1175; DE-83-1235; GyBTU (früherer MARC Code)
