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Libraries, Archives, Museums and related Organisations

Listed are all addresses of organizations with an ISIL or Sigel.

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ZB MED - Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften, Köln [DE-38M] link-image

General information

Street address:
Gleueler Str. 60, 50931 Köln
Mo-Fr 9.00-19 (Lesesaal)
Ausleihe/Allg. Information: Mo-Fr 9.00-16.00, InfoCenter: Mo-Fr 9.00-15.00; weitere Schließtage s.Homepage

Interlibrary loan info

Type of interlibrary loan:
ÜLV - accredited to German interlibrary loan
Accredited to German interlibrary online-loan
Interlibrary loan available?:
yes, electronic copy for user enabled
Interlibrary loan transport:
cargo center DE-621

Additional information

ZB MED - Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften, Köln
Standardised short name:
English display:
ZB MED - Information Centre for Life Sciences, Cologne
Type of institution:
Funding body:
Körperschaft oder Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts
Collection size:
1.000.001 und mehr
Collection emphasis:

Additional information for libraries

Library symbol:
38 M
ZDB library ID (BIK):
DBS ID (German library statistics):
Library ID for EZB:
Specialised Information Services (FID) and Special Subject Collections (SSG):
  • SSG 4 / Medizin (bis einschließlich 2015)
