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Libraries, Archives, Museums and related Organisations

Listed are all addresses of organizations with an ISIL or Sigel.

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Forum Wiedenest e.V., Bibliothek [DE-Bgn1] link-image

General information

Street address:
Eichendorffstr. 2, 51702 Bergneustadt
Mo-Fr 8.00-20.00
für externe Nutzer

Interlibrary loan info

Type of interlibrary loan:
ÜLV - accredited to German interlibrary loan
Accredited to German interlibrary online-loan
Interlibrary loan available?:
yes, photocopy only

Additional information

Other names:
Biblisch-Theologische-Akademie, Bibliothek
Standardised short name:
Bergneustadt Forum Wiedenest
Funding body:
Körperschaft oder Stiftung des privaten Rechts
Collection size:
10.001 - 30.000

Additional information for libraries

Library symbol:
Bgn 1
